日本財団 図書館


(Validity Period for the Repair and Alteration Certificate for Aircraft)
Article 32-(9). The validity period for the repair and alteration certificate for aircraft shall be one year.


(Change of Specifications in the Repair and Alteration Certificate for Aircraft)
Article 32-(10). Any person who has obtained a repair and alteration certificate for aircraft shall, when effecting modifications to items in the specifications, submit an application to the Minister of Transport and obtain his approval, for a modification of specifications in the repair and alteration certificate for aircraft (Form No. 15-(6)).


2. The provisions under Article 32-5 paragraph 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly to the application under the preceding paragraph.


3. The approval under paragraph 1 shall be made by examining whether the quality of the repair and alteration in reference to the modification conforms to the technical standards established under Article 32-(6).


(Method of Confirmation)
Article 32-(11). Any person who has received a repair and alteration certificate for aircraft shall effect a confirmation under the provisions of Article 19-(2) paragraph 1 by having the Chief Inspector confirm whether the repairs or alterations on the said aircraft conforms with the technical standards established under Article 10 paragraph 4 of this Law.


2. The confirmation by the Chief Inspector under the preceding provision shall be effected with regard to the planning and process of repair and alteration as well as the status upon completion of the work.


3. The confirmation by the Chief Inspector under the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be established by affixing the signature or seal of the Chief Inspector on a flight logbook.


(Aircraft Noise Certification)
Article 33. The aircraft whose category, type of engines and limits of maximum take-off weight are to be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 20 paragraph 1 of the Law, are aeroplanes equipped with turbo-jet engines.


Article 34. Any person who makes an application for aircraft noise certification in accordance with the provision of Article 20 paragraph 1 shall submit an application for noise certification (Form No. 16) to the Minister of Transport 10 days prior to the proposed date of inspection.





